Family constellations - Healing - Emotionwork -Mediumship

Family Constellations

Family-Constellations are one way to get informations from the big divine memory. We combine the tratidional "Hellinger"-tecniche with medial contacts and kinesiology.


The classic way to connect with divine informations and with our loved ones!


Emotionwork and Healing

With the classical kinesiologic method we find and dissolve hidden emotions which are often the real reason for illnesses and problems in life. Often we get very excitings successes and evidence that this is really working. We combine this with the classical Healing (similar to Reiki).








Marlene und Martin Rapolder

San Benedetto 1, 60041 Sassoferrato

Mobil: +39/349/827 8340



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43°31'12.0"N 12°50'42.1"E

43.519998, 12.845017

notieren und ins Navi eingeben. Unser Haus liegt - trotz der PLZ - nicht bei Sassoferrato sondern nahe 61045 Pergola , nächster Ort im Navi ist i.d.Regel "61045 Percozzone". Gerne holen wir Euch aber auch an der Teerstraße in 61045 Bellisio Solfare (an der Hauptstraße, Bar) ab.