Next Airport is Ancona (1 hour in car), possible also Rome (2,5 hours train) or eventually Bologna.


Arrival with car:

Coming from the sea it is very convenient to take the exit MAROTTA, (NOT FANO as the navigator often advises).


Please be aware that the internet connection on this was is not always good thats why often navi is not working

From Marotta always follow the main road SP 424 towards Pergola,  approx. 33 km. To avoid a long search through the dirt roads after a long journey we can meet with great pleasure in Pergola (Petrol Station directely before Pergola on your left side at SP 424, Google coordinates: 43.573171, 12.848911).

For those who want to come directly: You cannot pass through Percozzone with the Camper or sports car!


The coordinates of the house are: 43.519868, 12.844904.









Marlene und Martin Rapolder

San Benedetto 1, 60041 Sassoferrato

Mobil: +39/349/827 8340



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Bitte unbedingt die google-Koordinaten

43°31'12.0"N 12°50'42.1"E

43.519998, 12.845017

notieren und ins Navi eingeben. Unser Haus liegt - trotz der PLZ - nicht bei Sassoferrato sondern nahe 61045 Pergola , nächster Ort im Navi ist i.d.Regel "61045 Percozzone". Gerne holen wir Euch aber auch an der Teerstraße in 61045 Bellisio Solfare (an der Hauptstraße, Bar) ab.