Trainings and treatments are free...because

...our main concern is to help souls.

Therefore we do not charge anything for our activity.

God means well with us and we believe each day more that he cares about us so that we can continue to help everyone.

We only want to get money if the client feels real added value, can really afford the given amount and gives the amount from the heart.

It is absolutely ok for us if you give nothing or only a small symbolic donation. If you notice after a few weeks or months that our activity has been worth more, then of course we are happy if you also pay tribute to your possibilities financially.

It's only important to us that you feel better and that you recommend us so that we can help many other souls.


Live 2 Love








Marlene und Martin Rapolder

San Benedetto 1, 60041 Sassoferrato

Mobil: +39/349/827 8340



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Bitte unbedingt die google-Koordinaten

43°31'12.0"N 12°50'42.1"E

43.519998, 12.845017

notieren und ins Navi eingeben. Unser Haus liegt - trotz der PLZ - nicht bei Sassoferrato sondern nahe 61045 Pergola , nächster Ort im Navi ist i.d.Regel "61045 Percozzone". Gerne holen wir Euch aber auch an der Teerstraße in 61045 Bellisio Solfare (an der Hauptstraße, Bar) ab.